Friday, July 26, 2013

Weightlifting May Be One of the Best Forms of Exercise

One of the best ways to relieve stress is to exercise, and one of the best forms of exercise may surprise you.  It's lifting weights.  If you lift weights, lift them properly, and take very few breaks, the workout is actually one where you can get an excellent cardiovascular workout.  It can also help you build muscle at the same time.  Here's the really great part about it.  As you build muscle, the actual muscle mass will help you burn calories by increasing your basal metabolic rate; your metabolism.  Of course, there are certain tips that you need to know if you're going to lift. The American Academy of Family Physicians offers many suggestions for safe weightlifting.  Some of the key points: keep your back straight when lifting, always ask someone to spot you when lifting very heavy weights, and limit each set of muscles to only three workouts a week.  Obviously, you need to clear it with a physician before you begin such a program.  

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