There are
difficulties in today's stressful economy and one of the big problems is the
stress after being laid off. Many people have to deal with the problems
associated with that and it can be very difficult. That's one of the
problems with a stressful economy. People sometimes build their identity
in the work they're doing and the jobs they have. When those jobs are
taken away, it is a situation where someone can actually become depressed
because of it.
Monday, April 6, 2015
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Benefits of Assisted Living
It is called
assisted living, and for many people, that term has a bad connotation. They’re
thinking, I’m going to be put away. Where am I going to be? What am I going to
do? Well, let me tell you something. Assisted living is not necessarily a bad
term for people who actually want to stay in a situation where they want to be
independent, but at the same time, get help. Assisted living centers actually
allow you to be independent, but they’ll help you with the things like
shopping, the activities of daily living, and you get that help if something
bad happens to you.
Monday, March 23, 2015
Evaluating the Vitamins You Take
There are many
vitamins out there and certainly they play a major part in our lives, but the
specific vitamins you take, the strengths and weaknesses, all need to be
evaluated. One of the things physicians often talk about when they
mention vitamins is the fact that they don't come without a price. You
have to know which ones you're taking and if, in fact, there are side-effects
or concerns associated with them. Doctors will tell you that the more you
know, the better you can use and take advantage of them as part of your overall
health care.
Friday, March 20, 2015
Dealing with the Pain of Depression
We keep writing
about pain such as joint pain, stomach pain, chest pain, foot pain, headaches,
etc. But one of the worst types of pain isn’t a pain that you can measure, like
you can measure on that level. It’s the pain of depression. One out of six
people suffer from depression at some point in their life and when they have
the problems, they feel as if their world is collapsing around them. You see
depression is like someone has taken a dark curtain and put it in front of your
eyes. Dealing with depression can be very difficult and we have to do all we
can to help those who suffer.
Thursday, March 19, 2015
Early Diagnosis of Migraines Is Important
As many as one
out of five people suffer from migraine headaches. These headaches are usually
quite severe and they are preceded by an aura, or a strange sensation, like a
flashing of light or a strange smell. They’re often diagnosed as sinus
headaches, tension headaches, or a variety of other types of head pain, but a
new study out of Columbia and highlighted by the Journal of the American
Medical Association is stressing the importance of early diagnosis. That’s
because the cycle of a migraine can often be cut short through the use of drugs
called Triptans. These medications are available in a wide variety of forms,
including pills, inhalers, and even injections. Migraines can be unusual. They
don’t always cause headaches, and they can actually cause a wide variety of symptoms
from visual disturbances to stomach problems. Migraines need to be taken
seriously. Clearly they are a problem that have to be dealt with.
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Information about Ovarian Cancer
It isn't talked
about as much as other forms of cancer, but ovarian cancer is the deadliest of
all gynecologic cancers. One in 57 women develop ovarian cancer and there have
been several studies which have shown it runs in families. The major problem
with ovarian cancer is it is usually found in the advanced stages and by that
point the disease is very difficult to treat and the chance of five year
survival is about 20%. Sadly 75% of women are diagnosed at this advanced stage.
When ovarian cancer is detected early, before it is spread beyond the ovaries,
more than 90% of women will survive longer than 5 years. Unfortunately, the
symptoms of ovarian cancer are very vague. Feeling bloated, a sensation of
being full even after eating just a small amount of food, low back pain, and
fatigue are all signs, but obviously they can mean other things as well.
Monday, March 16, 2015
A Woman’s Sleep Is Essential for Health
Do you get
enough sleep? One of the biggest complaints physicians hear from their female
patients is that they don’t. They’re under stress, they’re under pressure, and
in addition to that, they have the pressures of their spouse. All of these
things come together to make it difficult to sleep and to get that quality
time. It is essential, if you are going to be healthy, that you get the sleep
you need and the rest you need. If you can do that, you have an opportunity to
fight the day’s battles and not feel weakened by them. Sleep is a key tool, a
key weapon in your overall health.
Friday, March 13, 2015
Allergy to Infant Formula
When you look at
formula for babies, you have to understand that certain formulas for babies can
cause difficulties. Usually, though, what doctors do if someone is
allergic is physicians actually look at a soy formula because soy formula is
one of the ones that is the easiest to tolerate. Doctors often say that
if children are having problems beyond the soy formula, then they need to get
it checked out and evaluated by the pediatrician. What you don't want to
have a child do is have severe diarrhea which is uncontrolled.
Thursday, March 12, 2015
Treating PMS Symptoms
There was a time
when many health professionals did not take premenstrual syndrome, or PMS,
seriously. Fortunately, those days are gone and there is medical agreement that
PMS affects many women just before their menstrual cycles. Common symptoms
include cramps, bloating, fatigue, and moodiness. For some women, the symptoms
can be severe and medication is necessary, but for others, certain lifestyle
measures can make a big difference. The U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services actually has reviewed studies and came up with the following
suggestions including getting regular exercise, eating plenty of fruits,
vegetables and whole grains, and avoiding foods high in salt, sugar, caffeine,
and alcohol. Another big step is to get plenty of sleep. That can make a major
difference. The key, of course, is to figure out what you’re doing and to try
to make sure you get the attention.
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
Understanding Loss of Libido
Can a loss of
libido be a normal phenomenon? Absolutely! If you’re someone who’s under stress
and you feel pressure, it is clear that you may not feel interested in sex. You
may not have that desire. That is a normal phenomenon and many women are made
to feel guilty that perhaps they don’t have the desire they used to. The bottom
line is, if someone is fatigued, under stress, feeling unappreciated, they’re
not going to have the libido or the drive they had before. Many of these things
have to be worked out. There is more to sex than just a physical reaction. It’s
psychological as well.
Thursday, March 5, 2015
Migraine Headaches Often Occur with Warning Signs
A migraine
headache is one of those insidious things that can occur. Migraine headaches
often occur with a warning, a kind of a warning sign that there’s something
going on. What happens is you feel a sense that there’s an aura; a strange smell,
a strange feeling, a strange zigzagging of lights, something that’s unusual
that occurs before a severe headache can occur. It’s very important that when
you’re dealing with headaches, you understand these are problems that need to
be dealt with, and can be dealt with, effectively.
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
Medicine Cabinet Concerns
Have you taken a
look in your family’s medicine cabinet lately? What you might find could shock
you. Now, here’s the problem. The medicine cabinet often becomes a storage area
for old medications that you want to keep around just in case you need them. The
argument is usually something like, ‘I spent a lot of money on this medicine.
I’m going to get my money’s worth!’ The problem is, the medication that’s good
for one person with one health problem isn’t always good for the other and then
there is the difficulty with expired drugs. They can make you sick, or they can
even poison you. Remember, young children are curious and they might want to
see what’s in those bottles. If you have teens, consider this. While illicit
drug and alcohol use among teens is down, the use of prescription painkillers
among people ages eight to 25 is up. In fact, prescription painkillers are now
attracting the most users of any drugs.
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
Study Shows Women of Young Children Eat More Calories
Are you having a
struggle with weight loss? Well, now you have someone to blame.
According to a study from the University of Minnesota, mothers of young
children were heavier and ate more calories, fatty foods, and sugary drinks
than women without children. In addition, both parents were less active
than those of the same age without children. The study was not a small
one. There were over 1,500 adults with children younger than five and
according to the report which is in the journal Pediatrics, mothers in this
study with young children had a diet so poor, they'd have to walk three miles a
day to not gain a pound.
fatty foods,
Monday, March 2, 2015
DNA Shows Most Neanderthals Were Redheads
There are many
fields in science and occasionally the scientific worlds collide. An example?
Some researchers studying the origins of man focused their work on
Neanderthals. In particular, they were analyzing DNA samples from Spain and
Italy. What they found was shocking for them. They discovered that most
Neanderthals had been redheads. In fact, some Neanderthals may have had
variations in pigmentation. Hypothetically, it could prove that they had red
hair and pale skin similar to that of modern humans. A European research team
found that out.
Friday, February 27, 2015
Managing Night Terrors
They are called
night terrors, and clearly, they can be terrors for the parents as well. A
night terror is a situation where a child will wake up. The child actually
could be fine and then will wake up about half an hour or 45 minutes in his
sleep screaming wildly. They’re screaming because they really don’t know what’s
going on. They look right past you. They have no idea what the issue is. The
problem with a night terror is that it often scares the parents. What you have
to do is just control the child from hurting themselves, and it will go away.
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Dealing with Stress Headaches
There are several
kinds of headaches. While many people say they suffer from migraines, the
most common headache is called a stress headache. Causes include stress,
skipping meals, irregular sleep habits, or certain foods. One of the
first things many people do after suffering a headache is reach for a pain
reliever in the medicine cabinet, but that's not always the best idea. In
fact, there are other simple things you can do. Lie down in a dark, quiet
room and try to sleep. Also, try to figure out what led to the headache.
In addition, you should try to avoid things that are problematic and bother
you. One idea is a headache log where you can record when the headache
first appears, the time each one happens, and where the pain is felt. You
get the idea. It's common sense and it's trying to figure out the best
way to approach a problem that can be chronic.
Monday, February 23, 2015
Eating More Chocolate Is Associated with Higher Depression Scores
Eating more
chocolate is associated with higher depression scores. Researchers
assessed the mood of 931 participants who were not taking antidepressants using
a standard depression scale. They then correlated the results from those
with a food survey. Those who scored very highly, reflecting probable
major depression, reported consuming more than twice as much chocolate as those
who were negative for depression. The findings were similar between women
and men. The researchers speculate that depression may stimulate cravings
for chocolate as a form of self-medication. Animal studies suggest that
chocolate may have positive mood benefits, however, they cannot rule out the
possibility that chocolate actually contributes to the depressed mood, or that
both cravings and depressed mood are caused by a third, underlying
factor. The report is in the Archives of Internal Medicine.
Thursday, February 19, 2015
Teeth Brushing and Heart Disease
How important is
it to brush your teeth? Well, more and more studies are showing that keeping
your teeth and your mouth clean can actually be effective at preventing, of all
things, heart disease. That’s right. We have found that people who have
bacterial infections, periodontal disease, are more likely to have problems
associated with heart disease. Now, whether it’s because of the teeth or it’s
because of the fact that certain individuals may not take care of their teeth
or their overall health, we’re not sure. But there is clearly that association.
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Understanding Juvenile Diabetes
In Type 1, or
juvenile diabetes, the hormone insulin does not work the way it should and
blood levels can go out of control. People with this form of diabetes need to
be given insulin to control the blood sugar and help with the basic metabolic
pathways of the body. There is a theory that for some reason the body's immune
system actually attacks insulin. This is why it doesn't work. Scientists have
struggled to understand what causes the body to turn against itself in Type 1 diabetes.
Essentially, the immune system destroys pancreatic cells that normally produce
the blood sugar regulating hormone insulin. Researchers have struggled to find
out why. That's because it is a disease that affects one in every 400 to 500
children and adolescents in the United States. According to a report in the
journal Nature, scientists studied mice that actually developed Type 1 diabetes
and engineered them to lack normal insulin. Using those mice, they are trying
to do what they can to find out secrets.
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Radiation Exposure from Medical Tests
Exposure to
radiation from medical tests is a very important problem and in the New England
Journal of Medicine, they took a look. A study of 952,000 non-elderly
adults found that over two-thirds were exposed to twice as much radiation as
they would have received from natural sources because of medical imaging.
Women and older individuals were at greater risk for radiation exposure.
The study found that CT scans and nuclear tests accounted for three-quarters of
non-treatment-based medical radiation exposure. An accompanying editorial
called for the clinical trials to prove whether or not diagnostic tests and imaging
prevented major medical problems or reduced costs, or whether they're worth the
inherent risk of developing cancer from radiation exposure. A report by
the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurement, Americans are
exposed to a great deal of radiation.
Monday, February 16, 2015
Appropriate Medications for Children
You may have heard the
statement, children are just little adults. Well that is true, but it’s also
not true when it comes to medicine. You just can’t give the same drugs to
children that you give to adults, and you can’t give half the dose, or anything
like that. Many medications cannot be processed by children. Many medications
given to children can cause problems in bone development, teeth development.
All of these things have to be checked into. So if you have a medication at
home that you think worked for you, just don’t give it to your child. Check
with your doctor, and find out if they need their own prescription, or their
own dose.
Friday, February 13, 2015
Study Suggests Optimists Live Longer
Optimists live longer. Results from a government study showing nearly 100,000 women being followed adds to scientific findings saying that optimists live longer. The report is from the American Psychosomatic Society meeting and the University of Pittsburgh. Women aged 50 and above were in the study that started in 1994. Optimists were defined as those who said they expected good things rather than bad things to happen. Over the course of the study, optimists had a lower death rate in general and had a 30% lower death rate from heart disease. In contrast, those who were more hostile had a higher death rate and a 23% greater risk of death from a cancer-related condition. The results also suggested that optimism and hostility levels had a larger impact on black women's health. The researchers say that finding needs more study due to low numbers of black women in the group
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Study Shows Even Light Smoking Carries Serious Risks
If you're a
person who smokes casually, maybe you light up a cigarette a few times a day in
social settings, you probably think it's safe, but you may want to look at it
again. That's according to a Norwegian study of 43,000 men and
women. They found that smoking fewer than five cigarettes a day, commonly
known as light smoking, triples the risk of dying of heart disease or lung
cancer in men. In women, the increased risk of lung cancer was five times
greater. Researchers looked at a 32 year period. This is not a
small study and it shows the concerns we must look into.
For more
information, please go to
Friday, February 6, 2015
Tibial Band Pain
It's called the
tibial band, and it's just that. It's a band that goes down on the
outside of the leg. It more or less goes from the hip all the way down to
the feet in the way it works. What happens is when the patellofemoral
pain occurs in the knee, it can also aggravate what we call tibial pain in the
side. That pain is kind of an inflammation. It can make you feel as
if your knee is giving way, it can cause severe pain, and it can even go down
into the feet and cause difficulty. It's obviously a concern that needs
to be treated. Stretching often helps.
For more
information, please go to
Thursday, February 5, 2015
Oral Bacteria May Be Linked with Heart Risk
Could mouth bacteria
be linked with heart risk? Studies are finding out this is the case.
According to University of Buffalo, research comparing oral bacteria from 386
heart attack patients with oral bacteria from 840 without finds two species of
bacteria are more common among heart attack patients. Overall, heart
patients tended to have higher levels of bacteria in their mouths, but of two
types; Tannerella forsynthesis and Prevotella intermedia. They were
statistically linked to heart attack. Researchers say more study is
needed to determine if these bacteria actually contribute to the heart risk,
but clearly, the studies are pointing in that direction and it's something we
should look at and understand.
For more
information, please go to
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
Study which Linked Measles Vaccine to Autism Turns Out to Be Fraudulent
Here's the bottom line...a study linking measles vaccine to autism was fabricated. That it was a fraud is very disturbing. The reason why this is the case, is you have
parents who have children with autism who have been sold a bill of goods. They
are frustrated because they were looking for answers. Why did their child have this condition? But
even more important than that, for those children who have not had the vaccine,
for those parents who have questioned it, for physician who have had that
conversation with patients hundreds of thousands of times, all of this
information leads to confusion. It’s one thing if someone makes a mistake, but if it’s
downright, outright fraud, you’re in a situation where it takes the entire
medical system, the entire way we base our decisions about whether treatments
are good or bad, and discredits it. There
is a seed now planted in people’s minds that there is something wrong with
these vaccines and that there’s a link with autism. That is not something that will be erased by one
report like this. That question is ongoing. We’re
not saying it’s a bad thing to question, we are saying it’s a bad thing to
question when you have misinformation.
For more
information, please go to
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
Air Pollution and Asthma
Let's face it,
our health is largely dependent on our environment. In many cases, we
don't even think about it, but a good example is how air pollution is known to
increase the risk of developing asthma. According to a study, it just
doesn't end at developing the condition, it also makes controlling it more
difficult. In the study, researchers surveyed 481 people about their
asthma symptoms and compared that data to information about local levels of
ozone, nitrous oxide, and particulate matter. They found that poor air
quality really made a difference.
Monday, February 2, 2015
Basal Cell Skin Cancer
Basal cell
carcinoma is the most common form of skin cancer. It mainly affects the
head and the neck. The people at the greatest risk are males, people who
tend to freckle easily, those with increased sun exposure or excessive use of
tanning beds, and smokers. Basal cell can be treated and although it can
metastasize, or spread, it usually does not do that. It usually
stays local, close to where it originates. People with basal cell near
the ears, eyes and nose need to be watched very closely. Those with it on
the arms or legs still need to be treated, but local growth has less of a
chance to attack vital areas. Basal cell cancer is on the rise in this
country and it's another reason why it's important to get regular skin checks.
It can't stress it enough. You need to follow-up with your physician and
do what you can to get all of that proper treatment.
Thursday, January 29, 2015
Should You Exercise While Pregnant?
It is one of the
most common questions medical experts are asked. It comes up in the
office and even in social settings. The question is, "Should you
exercise while you are pregnant?" The answer is yes. Exercise
and proper conditioning can help with the labor and certainly improve your
overall blood supply to the baby. In addition, stretching, flexibility,
and exercise are quite helpful and can help at the time of delivery. But,
there is a longer answer we need to stress. Women who are pregnant need
to realize they should not expect to do more than when they were not
pregnant. That's a very important point.
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Toilet Training Battle
It is a source
of constant problems for parents. Should they toilet train their baby? Are they
affected by the toilet training? Are they doing a good job? Many parents get
upset about it. The bottom line is your child will learn to use the toilet.
Don’t put so much pressure on your child that your child actually feels that
they have to deal with the toilet training under a gun. The bottom line is this…this
is one of the first times your child can exhibit independence and it will be a
battle. It’s not done easily.
toilet training
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Helping Kids Deal with Divorce
Divorce and
children. You can not underestimate the role that divorce can play. The best
thing to suggest to people who are suffering from divorce and dealing with
those pressures is to not forget the children; to realize that when they seem
okay, they may not be. In other words, you need to talk with them and
consistently reinforce what’s going on. There is nothing better than
communication. Communication can get you through a lot of those pressures and
things you have to deal with under that stress.
Friday, January 23, 2015
Stress of Stay-at-Home Moms
Stay-at-home moms don’t get
enough credit. Yes, there is the lip service, the comments such as, ‘It’s very
difficult to stay at home.’ ‘That’s yet another job.’ But in the workforce,
many stay-at-home moms are put down. The reality is, women who stay at home to
be with children have a very important job. One of the big stresses they have
is the fact that they don’t get out and they don’t have the opportunity to
interact with other adults. If you’re a stay-at-home mom, at least several
times a week, give yourself an opportunity to get out.
Thursday, January 22, 2015
Can Drinking Coffee Help Fight Skin Cancer?
Can coffee help fight skin
cancer? The Journal of the National
Cancer Institute recently took a look at the effects of caffeine intake.
What they found is that people who drink coffee on a regular basis, four or
more cups a day, had a 20% lower risk for developing the deadliest form of skin
cancer, malignant melanoma, than those who drank less coffee. The same did not hold true for decaffeinated
coffee drinkers. Malignant melanoma is
the 5th most common cancer in the United States and the leading cause of skin
cancer deaths. Coffee has been the
subject of medical research quite a bit. In the past, researchers have found
associations between coffee and protection against Alzheimer’s disease,
Parkinson’s, depression, and diabetes.
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Sleep Apnea May Be Associated with Diabetes
Sleep apnea is a
very common health problem where people have sleep interrupted with periods of
snoring and erratic breathing. We have known for quite some time that sleep
apnea is associated with high blood pressure. Now, a new study from Dublin,
Ireland, has made the association between sleep apnea and diabetes. The study
looked at 8,000 people and found an association. One of the most important
points is if you’re someone who has sleep apnea, or suspects that you might, it
is worth getting a complete physical and clearly be evaluated for diabetes.
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Dealing with Muscle Aches
Muscle aches and
pains can be very frustrating. If you sit in one position or if you’re under a
lot of pressure, you will find that those aches and pains can occur. It also
will happen after you extend yourself if you’re exercising and haven’t been
doing that for quite some time. The way you should deal with the muscle aches
and pains best is to stretch and improve your flexibility. That’s the most
important thing that can play a major role in helping you out. Muscle aches can
become frustrating, but you can’t give in to them. You actually have to work
through them.
Monday, January 19, 2015
Studies Are Showing Alternative Medicine Techniques Can Be Helpful
and alternative medicine include such things as yoga, acupuncture, massage, and
tai chi. In the past, these modalities were considered a far field from
medicine, but as a growing number of studies are being performed, the medical
community is beginning realize that some of the techniques can be helpful for
everything from stress reduction to help with blood pressure. It may be
years before we have enough significant studies to suggest using them as
treatment, so what can you do? Here's our suggestion…as long as you're
not replacing a tested medical treatment with something like yoga or massage,
there's no reason not to combine it with others. It makes sense to try
things that are good for you.
Wednesday, January 7, 2015
Mentally Quitting Smoking
There is no
doubt that it is tough to kick the habit when it comes to cigarette smoking. If
you ask 100 people how they stopped, the odds are quite strong you will get 100
different answers. But there is usually one consistent comment that comes
across. It goes something like this. ‘I was so frustrated with smoking that I
finally said, ‘The heck with it. I’m quitting.” It is clear that to finally
stop smoking, a person needs to take a mental order to do it. It doesn’t matter
whether it’s the latest drugs, acupuncture, or whatever. You have to want to.
Tuesday, January 6, 2015
Cold Weather Exercise Cautions
It’s tough to
exercise in the cold weather, and certainly one of the most frustrating things
is that you can pull muscles. You can also put extra pressure on the chest. When
you’re in the cold, the blood vessels that go to the heart actually can clamp
down, and when they clamp down they can have decreased oxygen supply to the
heart. With that decrease of oxygen can come chest tightness and situations
resolving and leading into a heart attack. The other problem of course is if
you don’t warm up properly, and you don’t stretch out, you can also pull
hamstrings and other muscles and tendons.
Monday, January 5, 2015
Fruits, Vegetables and Cancer
Eating plenty of
fruits and vegetables doesn't help women with breast cancer and it doesn't
necessarily reduce the risk of the disease returning. The same can be
said for prostate cancer and other forms of the disease. But a
recent study found, in colorectal cancer, that a diet that relied more on
these foods plus whole grains fish and chicken did reduce the recurrence.
Here's our take on it. We will definitely find that a diet like this
helps in all cases, but it is difficult to get a clear association or
correlation because diet has so many components and effects. It also
depends on the individual's genetics. Nevertheless, it shows how we are
looking more and more at diet and its role with cancer and other
conditions. That's the point we need to take home. Diet plays a key
role and a crucial role in how we evaluate cancer and other health issues.
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