Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Medicine Cabinet Concerns

Have you taken a look in your family’s medicine cabinet lately? What you might find could shock you. Now, here’s the problem. The medicine cabinet often becomes a storage area for old medications that you want to keep around just in case you need them. The argument is usually something like, ‘I spent a lot of money on this medicine. I’m going to get my money’s worth!’ The problem is, the medication that’s good for one person with one health problem isn’t always good for the other and then there is the difficulty with expired drugs. They can make you sick, or they can even poison you. Remember, young children are curious and they might want to see what’s in those bottles. If you have teens, consider this. While illicit drug and alcohol use among teens is down, the use of prescription painkillers among people ages eight to 25 is up. In fact, prescription painkillers are now attracting the most users of any drugs.

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