Monday, December 30, 2013

Setting Attainable Goals

Every New Years Eve or Day, people make resolutions. What you want to do is make evaluations of your life. Look at the things you’re doing. For instance, don’t attempt to run several miles each day. Make a decision that you will exercise twenty minutes each day. It’s not important to lose 10 pounds a week. Try to lose one pound a week. The key is realism. If you target goals you can reach, you might achieve them. The bottom line is you can have fun.

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Monday, December 23, 2013

Shopping and Foot Pain

If you're someone who is going shopping this holiday season, be aware that you don't have to wear fancy clothes, in particular, fancy shoes.  One of the big problems we see is people wearing fancy shoes and as a result, they experience all sorts of problems with foot pain. Make sure you are casual, you wear sneakers, you're comfortable, and that you don't put that extra pressure, because with the foot pain can come a whole series of problems.  If you take your time and pace yourself, you'll do much better.

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Some People are Allergic to Christmas Trees

We’re in the holiday season, and if you’re going to have a Christmas tree, be aware that a certain percentage of people actually are allergic to Christmas trees. This might sound crazy, but people actually have an allergy to Christmas trees, and they will find, each year, that they get nasal stuffiness, they feel congested, and it’s all about that time. It’s very important if you have Christmas tree allergy to recognize it. Obviously, you can get an artificial tree, or you can just be careful about being in the room where the tree is and minimizing your exposure as much as you possibly can.

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Friday, December 20, 2013

Give in to Food Cravings

We all deal with them at some point or another.  Food cravings are common and the cravings women experience during pregnancy have reached legendary status.  Doctors say that most pregnant women crave things like ice cream or cake, but not pickles, which seem to be the most often mentioned in movie or television scenes.  But it isn't just during pregnancy we have these cravings.  According to the Cleveland Clinic, you should not fight your cravings.  Satisfying a food craving can help improve your mood, relax you, and give you more energy.  

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Psychological Aspect of Anorexia

Anorexia is a serious medical problem, but it’s a medical problem with a psychological overlie. People who have anorexia actually have a distorted body image. They feel that there is something wrong with them. That they weigh too much. As a result, they eat far less and can get into big trouble. Even when they are losing weight, they continue to think they weigh too much, and that’s part of the problem with anorexia. People who have anorexia nervosa have to have the psychological issues dealt with as well as the weight issues.

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Thursday, December 19, 2013

Importance of Sleep for Women

Do you get enough sleep? One of the biggest complaints doctors hear from female patients is they don’t; they’re under stress; they’re under pressure and addition to that, they have the pressures of their spouse. All of these things come together to make it difficult to sleep and to get that quality time. It is essential if you’re going to be healthy, that you get the sleep you need and the rest you need. If you can do that, you have an opportunity to fight the day’s battles and not feel weakened by them. Sleep is a key tool, a key weapon in your overall health.

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Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Women Are More Susceptible To Health Effects Of Smoking

Women are more susceptible to the health effects of smoking.  Women who smoke may develop severe lung disease at younger ages with lower amounts of smoking.  That's according to a new study.  Researchers in Norway compared 954 patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder to 295 control subjects.  They found that women with COPD were, on average, younger than men who had smoked for fewer years suggesting that women may experience lung damage with overall lower levels of smoking.

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Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Allergies to Chemicals in Carpet Cleaners

In recent years, many families turn to carpet cleaners. Carpet cleaners are a great way to get the most out of that carpet, keep them clean, and looking better. But, many of the chemicals that they use can be problematic. The chemicals are designed, obviously, to clean the carpets, but what we find is, people can have allergic reactions, especially children. Children roll around. They play with the pet. They play with their cars. They’re on the carpet. When they’re on the carpet, they can have difficulties associated with it, and that can cause allergic reactions. That can be very problematic down the road.

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Pain Caused by Lactic Acid

It’s called lactic acid. Lactic acid is actually part of our metabolism. What happens is, when we run or do exercise and go on what’s called anaerobic metabolism, or metabolism without oxygen, that pain, actually in the joints and throughout the body, is the result of a byproduct of the anaerobic metabolism. This lactic acid. Fortunately, as it gets through the system, it’s not as bad. One of the ways to make it last not quite so long and be quite so painful is to drink plenty of fluids.

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Why Do We Dream?

Why do we dream? Well, there are many theories about it. In fact, there have been many books written about it. One of the basic items associated with dreams is the realization that many of us will use our minds to try to deal with issues and to try to get better understanding of them. Dreams can be effective; they can be effective ways at handling stress and effective ways of dealing with issues in our own life. We cannot control dreams. Unfortunately, we are not able to take dreams, figured them out and interpret them at all times.

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Monday, December 16, 2013

Decreased Sex Drive

A decreased sex drive is something that can occur at any age.  Some people have trouble in dealing with it, but the bottom line is sexual feelings, just like any other part of our human body, can change over time.  There are different periods where the sex drive may be up or it may be down and it has to do with all sorts of problems; things such as stress, pressure, diet, exercise, lack of exercise, or feelings about your partner.  All of these things can have a direct effect. 

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Do You Bruise Easily?

If you're someone who suffers from easy bruising, you want to get it checked out.  Easy bruising could be a sign that there is a problem, and the problem which we're talking about is one which could be either the liver or the blood clotting mechanisms in the body.  If that's the case, this is something that you don't want to ignore.  It's really something that needs to be aggressively managed.  If it has to be aggressively managed, you know what that means.  It means getting to the doctor's office and trying to find out from your physician what's best for you?

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Friday, December 13, 2013

Does Dark Chocolate Protect the Heart?

Does dark chocolate help protect the heart, and if it does, why? There have been numerous reports looking at this. A study out of Yale has some very interesting findings. According to the researchers, dark chocolate may also boost the function of vital endothelial cells that line the inside of blood vessels. Cocoa is rich in a group of antioxidant compounds called flavonoids which are also found in fruits and vegetables, wine, and green tea. It is the flavonoids which protect the heart.

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Thursday, December 12, 2013

Foods for Reducing Breast Cancer Risk

You are what you eat when it comes to breast cancer risks, and this can be very true. There are certain foods you can eat to help you in the battle with cancer. For instance, fish, which is high in omega-3 fatty acids can help. Now, you should try for two to three servings each week. Another source of protection is fruit. In fact, if fruits are bright and colorful, they’re probably better for you. Now, strawberries and raspberries are helpful and don’t forget your vegetables, especially cruciferous vegetables. Broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage are all cancer fighters. It’s best to eat them slightly steamed and you should shoot for five servings a week. Again, this is very important information because what we’re starting to realize is, not only can healthy food help you with your heart, but it’s been shown to help fight in breast cancer, prostate cancer and a wide variety of problems.

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Wednesday, December 11, 2013

The Keys to Staying Young

Do you want to stay young?  If you want to stay young, you don't have to use special facial creams or start the latest fad diet.  Believe it or not, you just need to use common sense and care for yourself.  The most important step is eating a balanced diet; plenty of fruits, vegetables, and those types of things.  You want to try to cut back on sugar and pre-processed foods.  The other concept to get down is you don't have to be perfect.  You can have a piece of cake or pie and stop at a fast-food restaurant every now and then.  Just limit the high-risk exposure.  The other major step is exercise.  Once again, you don't need to be an Olympic athlete.  Just get out there and participate.  Make it fun.  If you have fun, you will continue to play, and that is the key.  The best way to achieve success with your diet or exercise is have a reasonable plan and to stick with it.

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A Mediterranean Diet May Lower Brain Damage Risk

A Mediterranean diet may lower brain damage risk.  That's right, a Mediterranean-style diet may help people avoid the small areas of brain damage that can lead to thinking problems with age.  That's what research suggests.  Doctors assessed the diets of 712 people in New York.  They divided them into three groups based on how closely they followed a Mediterranean-style diet.  That would include a high intake of vegetables, whole grains, and fish, a low intake of saturated fat and meat, and moderate alcohol use.  Results showed that those who closely followed the diet were 36% less likely to have small areas of brain damage on an MRI scan.  Not eating a Mediterranean diet had the same effect on the brain as having high blood pressure.  This is from an American Academy of Neurology's annual meeting which was held in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

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Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Alligator Blood May Lead to New Antibiotics

Alligators have a tough life swimming around in murky lagoons.  They have fierce territorial battles that lead to lots of wounds and infections.  Believe it or not, scientists are taking a close look at alligator blood and the proteins in the blood as potential treatments for a growing list of difficult to treat infections like MRSA.  You see, alligators have adapted over millions of years and can fight off serious infection.  Now, researchers from Louisiana suggest gator blood could produce a new source of powerful antibiotics that could fight infections associated with diabetic ulcers, burns, and even super-bugs. 

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Weight Linked to Age of First Heart Attack in Women

A study of nearly 1,000 heart attack patients focused on women finds that the heavier the patients were, the younger they were when they suffered their first heart attack.  Compared to normal weight patients, those in the overweight category were 3.5 years younger when they suffered their heart attacks.  Those in the obese category were 6.8 years younger, and those in the very obese category were 9.4 years younger.  Those who were morbidly obese were twelve years younger at the time of their first heart attacks.  Research suggests that weight clearly is a factor.

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Monday, December 9, 2013

Protecting Your Skin Is Essential

What is the largest organ of the body?  The largest organ in the body is the skin, and skin cancer may just be the fastest growing form of cancer.  That's why sunscreen is so important.  It's one of the most effective ways to protect your skin from the harmful effects of the sun, but only if applied properly.  There are key points you need to know.  Even if the day is mostly overcast, the sun's harmful rays can still be harmful.  You should know these things and you should use it liberally. 

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Friday, December 6, 2013

Worrying Can Affect Health

Let’s face it. Most of us spend far too much of our time worrying. We worry about our families, our money, our future. We even worry about how much we worry. Numerous studies have shown too much worry is not good for us. The stress of worry can increase our blood pressure, the risk of heart disease, even cancer. But a study, from the Trust for America’s Health says we could be hurting our health by worrying about our health. According to the research, 37% of people worried about cancer as their top health concern, 14% heart disease, 13% obesity, 11% chemical terrorism. Certainly, worry is appropriate in doses, and it could be good for us in some respect. It can help prevent problems and anticipate problems down the line, but let’s face it, you don’t want to overdo it.

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Thursday, December 5, 2013

Alcohol Can Lead to Stomach Irritation

Alcohol can lead to stomach irritation.  This isn't necessarily an allergic reaction, but it's a direct reaction to a toxin of sorts.  Alcohol, when it gets into the stomach, actually causes an increase in secretion of stomach acid, and that increased secretion of stomach acid can cause tenderness and belly pain.  The belly pain can be treated, essentially, by trying to neutralize the acid.  You could use Tums, Rolaids, or products like that, but over time it can have a disastrous effect if you continue drinking. 

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Smoking May Affect Memory

People who smoke during mid-life may be more likely than non-smokers to have a poor memory.  Researchers analyzed the smoking habits and memory and cognitive test results of over 5,000 civil servants in London, England, aged 35 to 55.  Those who were smokers had a higher risk of death than those who never smoked.  In addition, current smokers were more likely to have memory deficiencies than non-smokers, even age-adjusted for sex, socioeconomic status, or other health behaviors.  Those who were ex-smokers were also 30% less likely than current smokers to have vocabulary and language score problems.  

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Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Addressing Pain During Sex

This is an embarrassing one; not one that many people want to talk about, but pain during sexual activity can actually be a very problematic experience for both partners involved.  When you are talking about this, the number one thing you can do to deal with it is not pain medicine, it's not therapy, it's not any specific treatment.  It’s communication.  The first step is you have to talk with your partner about the problem and let them know there are difficulties.  Then it can be dealt with medically.  

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Managing Pressure

If you don't feel pressure, you must have ice water in your veins.  What with the economy, the purchase price of things, the fact that gas is up and down.  All of these things add to the pressure.  Even if you look at television, and your job's fine, you see all the problems other people are having.  How do you deal with this best?  Here’s some suggestions for you.  First of all, look inward and see what makes you happy beyond money.  Secondly, start to exercise and watch your diet.  These things are crucial.

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Monday, December 2, 2013

Osteoporosis Is Not Just a Women’s Disease

When we hear osteoporosis, we usually picture a postmenopausal woman. But 2-million American men have osteoporosis, and another 12-million are at risk. According to the International Osteoporosis Foundation, in men over age 50, the risk of osteoporosis is greater than the risk of pros­tate cancer. Around age 70, men, like women, experience a precipitous drop in hormone levels, creating a similar risk profile for fragility fractures. Yet many clinicians don’t counsel men about osteoporosis or screen them for risk factors. And most elderly men have no idea they are at risk for osteoporosis and disabling osteoporotic fractures.

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Music Can Affect Breathing and Blood Flow Rates

A small study in the journal Circulation, of 24 young and healthy adults, 24- to 26-years-old, found that listening to music can change breathing and blood flow rates.  It suggests that music therapy might benefit heart patients.  The participants in the study listened to selections of classical music and opera while doctors monitored their blood pressure, heart rates, and breathing rates.  Results show that music rising in volume narrowed blood vessels, increased blood pressure, heart rate, and the length of each breath.  During silent periods, the heart rate dropped indicating relaxation.  

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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Spending Time with Family

Any time you can spend with your family it’s a good idea. You should enjoy family time, sports, parades, concerts, prayer, etc. Basically, the important thing is to make sure you spend this time together and you do what you can to work together and talk about issues. Communication is very important for family. That’s why when we talk about family issues, we say it’s extremely important to talk about dinner, lunch, eating together, spending the time. Not avoiding each other, but actually welcoming the chance to spend that time together.

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Monday, November 25, 2013

Obstructive Sleep Apnea Can Affect Driving Ability

People with untreated sleep apnea may be less alert behind the wheel and this could make them more vulnerable to the effects of sleep loss and alcohol than healthy drivers.  Obstructive sleep apnea is a condition in which the tissues at the back of the throat temporarily collapse during sleep.  This leads to repeated stops and starts in breathing during the night.  The result of this is poor quality sleep which can, in turn, lead to daytime drowsiness.  It's estimated that traffic accidents related to obstructive sleep apnea cause 1,400 fatalities in the U.S. each year.  In a study of 58 people on a virtual driving course, the drivers with sleep apnea had more trouble staying in their driving lane and were more likely to crash than their healthy counterparts.  The same was true when they took a modest amount of alcohol; just enough to raise the blood alcohol level to 0.05, which is just below the legal limit. 

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Friday, November 22, 2013

Vision Problems and Optical Migraine Headaches

Children can suffer migraine headaches, but they also can suffer what we call optical migraines. An optical migraine is actually a problem with the vision. Much like a migraine headache, it comes along without warning and when it hits, it actually can cause symptoms of a weird sensation or a strange flashing of light. It can be associated with nausea. It can be associated with headache. Optical migraines need to be dealt with. You need to examine and find out what’s going on because there are medicines which can help.

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More Teens Considering Breast Implants

A growing number of teens are considering implants for their breasts, and of course, the silicone gel implants have found their way back. Whether it’s saline or silicone, it’s something a teen should think very carefully about. There are side effects and there are problems that can occur. This is not a procedure that can be done or taken lightly. Since 1992, for instance, the silicone implants were available only as part of research studies. Now they’re readily available. The bottom line is you have to be really careful, and do you really need it?

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Thursday, November 21, 2013

The High Cost of Heart Disease Drugs

Covering the full cost of heart disease prevention medications, such as statin cholesterol-lowering drugs and drugs to reduce high blood pressure, could save individuals $2,500 and society $1 billion in medical costs. Researchers used a math model to estimate the savings. About 50% of patients don’t take all their drugs. The cost is part of the reason why, so doctors estimate that giving the drugs free of charge would increase the number of people who take them. That could lower heart attack, stroke, and death.

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Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Seasonal Affective Disorder Can Be an Issue During the Winter Months

Some months are tougher to deal with than others.  Sometimes when we go through those winter months, we realize that seasonal affective disorder is an issue.  There's the fact that the days are short, sunlight exposure is quite limited, and you also have issues such as holidays and psychological stress that occur during those months.  So, if you're dealing with those issues and then you combine it with some women's health issues such as hormonal variation, it can be very dramatic and very frustrating to deal with.

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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Teenagers and Dangers of Huffing

It is called huffing and it has rapidly become one of the most popular methods for teens to get high. Despite the numerous risks, including brain damage, it is estimated that 1.1 million adolescents inhale lethal substances like freon and butane each year. In addition to brain damage, huffing can lead to kidney, lung and bone problems as well as an increased risk of heart attack and stroke. According to the National Inhalant Prevention Coalition, there are certain telltale signs, including red or runny eyes, spots or sores around the mouth, chemical body odor, nausea, anxiety and stains on the body or clothing. The latest reports find that teen girls are more likely to abuse inhalants. Obviously, these are important issues. You need to learn as much as you possibly can.

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Invisible Friends Are Normal

They are called “invisible friends.” A lot of parents get upset if their child has an “invisible friend,” wondering when it’s going to go away and when they’re going to forget about it. Here’s the bottom line…there is nothing wrong with having an “invisible friend.” It’s actually a normal phase of development and it shows that imagination is actually working well. If your child has an “invisible friend,” you can encourage it. Let them know that they’re using their imagination, but don’t tell them they can’t do it. You can bring them back to reality to let them know there is a reality.

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Monday, November 18, 2013

Caffeine and Breast Tenderness

It’s a question people ask. Can caffeine cause breast tenderness? The answer is absolutely. Caffeine can cause breast tenderness, and the reason it does is it actually has chemicals in it that irritate the breasts and at specific times of the month, right before the period, in particular, it can be even worse. In addition to that, caffeine can make fibrocystic breast disease a little worse. That’s where there are cysts that can actually build up. These are tender. They can be painful and they can be issues that you have to deal with and fight with.

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Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Evaluating Ankle Swelling

Ankle swelling is often a sign that we don't necessarily have the blood supply from our feet being taken properly to the rest of the body.  It’s very important that with ankle swelling, it's a warning that the liver has to be checked, the heart has to be checked, and the vein supply.  All of these things contribute and it's essential that we don't ignore that and we do whatever we can to evaluate it and try to get the best understanding about what's going on. 

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Using Pain Killers Appropriately

Painkillers are very effective to deal with pain…that’s why they’re called painkillers. But one of the problems with pain killers is people can have a dependence on them, and with that dependence, they can run into issues. One thing that’s essential is that if a doctor gives a patient a pain killer, the patient should know it is a short-term solution, not the end-all. If it’s an end-all solution, people ultimately become so addicted to them they have no other answer but to use them. That is not where doctors want to be in the management of pain. What doctors want to do is use them as an ally, not a crutch.

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Using Pain Killers Appropriately

Study of Father’s Age and Autism

Autism is a particularly tough condition to treat, because we need to learn so much more about what causes it, and why it happens. A report in the Archives of General Psychology suggests genetics could play a major role. Men who become fathers in their forties or older are much more likely to have autistic children than younger dads. The study is a large one, looking at 130,000 Israeli Jews born in the 1980’s. Those fathered by older men were almost six times more likely to have autism or related disorders than those fathered by men younger than 30. Mother’s age seem to have less of an influence. Now, there are some concerns with the study; results need to be tested in a broader population. That’s because we need to see if similar findings would occur in other ethnic groups.

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