Friday, June 20, 2014

Relaxation Techniques Can Protect Against Stress

There is no doubt that stress plays a major role in all of our lives.  Stress can actually have a major impact and our body's reaction to it is not necessarily always a bad thing.  If you think about our development as a species, we use stress and the 'fight or flight' response to ward off predators to stay alive.  Of course, when the predators are a fear of losing a job or failing a test of some sort, that same mechanism of dealing with stress can be a problem.  That's why relaxation techniques like meditation can help.  According to a report in the International Journal of Psychophysiology, meditation might help protect college students against stress and improve their ability to learn.  It makes sense and during the formal study, students who meditated showed positive results on brain studies including greater breadth of planning, thinking, and perception of the environment.  

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