Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Benefits of Assisted Living

It is called assisted living, and for many people, that term has a bad connotation. They’re thinking, I’m going to be put away. Where am I going to be? What am I going to do? Well, let me tell you something. Assisted living is not necessarily a bad term for people who actually want to stay in a situation where they want to be independent, but at the same time, get help. Assisted living centers actually allow you to be independent, but they’ll help you with the things like shopping, the activities of daily living, and you get that help if something bad happens to you.

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Monday, March 23, 2015

Evaluating the Vitamins You Take

There are many vitamins out there and certainly they play a major part in our lives, but the specific vitamins you take, the strengths and weaknesses, all need to be evaluated.  One of the things physicians often talk about when they mention vitamins is the fact that they don't come without a price.  You have to know which ones you're taking and if, in fact, there are side-effects or concerns associated with them.  Doctors will tell you that the more you know, the better you can use and take advantage of them as part of your overall health care. 

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Friday, March 20, 2015

Dealing with the Pain of Depression

We keep writing about pain such as joint pain, stomach pain, chest pain, foot pain, headaches, etc. But one of the worst types of pain isn’t a pain that you can measure, like you can measure on that level. It’s the pain of depression. One out of six people suffer from depression at some point in their life and when they have the problems, they feel as if their world is collapsing around them. You see depression is like someone has taken a dark curtain and put it in front of your eyes. Dealing with depression can be very difficult and we have to do all we can to help those who suffer.

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Thursday, March 19, 2015

Early Diagnosis of Migraines Is Important

As many as one out of five people suffer from migraine headaches. These headaches are usually quite severe and they are preceded by an aura, or a strange sensation, like a flashing of light or a strange smell. They’re often diagnosed as sinus headaches, tension headaches, or a variety of other types of head pain, but a new study out of Columbia and highlighted by the Journal of the American Medical Association is stressing the importance of early diagnosis. That’s because the cycle of a migraine can often be cut short through the use of drugs called Triptans. These medications are available in a wide variety of forms, including pills, inhalers, and even injections. Migraines can be unusual. They don’t always cause headaches, and they can actually cause a wide variety of symptoms from visual disturbances to stomach problems. Migraines need to be taken seriously. Clearly they are a problem that have to be dealt with.

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Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Information about Ovarian Cancer

It isn't talked about as much as other forms of cancer, but ovarian cancer is the deadliest of all gynecologic cancers. One in 57 women develop ovarian cancer and there have been several studies which have shown it runs in families. The major problem with ovarian cancer is it is usually found in the advanced stages and by that point the disease is very difficult to treat and the chance of five year survival is about 20%. Sadly 75% of women are diagnosed at this advanced stage. When ovarian cancer is detected early, before it is spread beyond the ovaries, more than 90% of women will survive longer than 5 years. Unfortunately, the symptoms of ovarian cancer are very vague. Feeling bloated, a sensation of being full even after eating just a small amount of food, low back pain, and fatigue are all signs, but obviously they can mean other things as well.

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Monday, March 16, 2015

A Woman’s Sleep Is Essential for Health

Do you get enough sleep? One of the biggest complaints physicians hear from their female patients is that they don’t. They’re under stress, they’re under pressure, and in addition to that, they have the pressures of their spouse. All of these things come together to make it difficult to sleep and to get that quality time. It is essential, if you are going to be healthy, that you get the sleep you need and the rest you need. If you can do that, you have an opportunity to fight the day’s battles and not feel weakened by them. Sleep is a key tool, a key weapon in your overall health.

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Friday, March 13, 2015

Allergy to Infant Formula

When you look at formula for babies, you have to understand that certain formulas for babies can cause difficulties.  Usually, though, what doctors do if someone is allergic is physicians actually look at a soy formula because soy formula is one of the ones that is the easiest to tolerate.  Doctors often say that if children are having problems beyond the soy formula, then they need to get it checked out and evaluated by the pediatrician.  What you don't want to have a child do is have severe diarrhea which is uncontrolled. 

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Thursday, March 12, 2015

Treating PMS Symptoms

There was a time when many health professionals did not take premenstrual syndrome, or PMS, seriously. Fortunately, those days are gone and there is medical agreement that PMS affects many women just before their menstrual cycles. Common symptoms include cramps, bloating, fatigue, and moodiness. For some women, the symptoms can be severe and medication is necessary, but for others, certain lifestyle measures can make a big difference. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services actually has reviewed studies and came up with the following suggestions including getting regular exercise, eating plenty of fruits, vegetables and whole grains, and avoiding foods high in salt, sugar, caffeine, and alcohol. Another big step is to get plenty of sleep. That can make a major difference. The key, of course, is to figure out what you’re doing and to try to make sure you get the attention.

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Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Understanding Loss of Libido

Can a loss of libido be a normal phenomenon? Absolutely! If you’re someone who’s under stress and you feel pressure, it is clear that you may not feel interested in sex. You may not have that desire. That is a normal phenomenon and many women are made to feel guilty that perhaps they don’t have the desire they used to. The bottom line is, if someone is fatigued, under stress, feeling unappreciated, they’re not going to have the libido or the drive they had before. Many of these things have to be worked out. There is more to sex than just a physical reaction. It’s psychological as well.

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Thursday, March 5, 2015

Migraine Headaches Often Occur with Warning Signs

A migraine headache is one of those insidious things that can occur. Migraine headaches often occur with a warning, a kind of a warning sign that there’s something going on. What happens is you feel a sense that there’s an aura; a strange smell, a strange feeling, a strange zigzagging of lights, something that’s unusual that occurs before a severe headache can occur. It’s very important that when you’re dealing with headaches, you understand these are problems that need to be dealt with, and can be dealt with, effectively.

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Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Medicine Cabinet Concerns

Have you taken a look in your family’s medicine cabinet lately? What you might find could shock you. Now, here’s the problem. The medicine cabinet often becomes a storage area for old medications that you want to keep around just in case you need them. The argument is usually something like, ‘I spent a lot of money on this medicine. I’m going to get my money’s worth!’ The problem is, the medication that’s good for one person with one health problem isn’t always good for the other and then there is the difficulty with expired drugs. They can make you sick, or they can even poison you. Remember, young children are curious and they might want to see what’s in those bottles. If you have teens, consider this. While illicit drug and alcohol use among teens is down, the use of prescription painkillers among people ages eight to 25 is up. In fact, prescription painkillers are now attracting the most users of any drugs.

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Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Study Shows Women of Young Children Eat More Calories

Are you having a struggle with weight loss?  Well, now you have someone to blame.  According to a study from the University of Minnesota, mothers of young children were heavier and ate more calories, fatty foods, and sugary drinks than women without children.  In addition, both parents were less active than those of the same age without children.  The study was not a small one.  There were over 1,500 adults with children younger than five and according to the report which is in the journal Pediatrics, mothers in this study with young children had a diet so poor, they'd have to walk three miles a day to not gain a pound.

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Monday, March 2, 2015

DNA Shows Most Neanderthals Were Redheads

There are many fields in science and occasionally the scientific worlds collide. An example? Some researchers studying the origins of man focused their work on Neanderthals. In particular, they were analyzing DNA samples from Spain and Italy. What they found was shocking for them. They discovered that most Neanderthals had been redheads. In fact, some Neanderthals may have had variations in pigmentation. Hypothetically, it could prove that they had red hair and pale skin similar to that of modern humans. A European research team found that out.

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