This is the time
of year when families are traveling, and with flights to faraway places like
Europe and Asia discounted, it’s more affordable than ever to travel the world.
That’s why a recommendation by the World Health Organization is so important.
They have recommended that passengers on long flights exercise their legs and
resist taking sleeping pills. That’s to reduce the risk of potentially fatal
blood clots. Although the danger of developing deep vein thrombosis, or DVT’s,
in the form of a blood clot in the calves is small, it increases if people are
immobile for long periods. The risk is one in 6,000, but that’s one in every 15
sold-out jumbo jets. When you think about it, that’s quite a risk. The
important thing is to make sure you get up and walk around and, obviously, talk
with your doctor to see if you’re at greater risk.