Dreams have
served as a source of confusion and wonder since people started dreaming.
Scientists have studied them, most famously Dr. Sigmund Freud, and there are
thousands of theories out there. Now, new research is providing insight
into how most people interpret dreams. According to a Carnegie Mellon
researcher, people believe that hidden truths present themselves in
dreams. This view is consistent across cultural lines and around the
globe. According to the latest report, 149 university students in the
United States, India, and South Korea made exactly that point. According
to the findings, dreams also affect how people act when they are awake. A
survey of Boston, Massachusetts, commuters found that when they dreamed of a plane crash the
night before a scheduled air trip, they would be more likely to change their
travel plans. Another key point is people attribute the meaning of dreams
when it corresponds to preexisting issues.
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