Monday, February 2, 2015

Basal Cell Skin Cancer

Basal cell carcinoma is the most common form of skin cancer.  It mainly affects the head and the neck.  The people at the greatest risk are males, people who tend to freckle easily, those with increased sun exposure or excessive use of tanning beds, and smokers.  Basal cell can be treated and although it can metastasize, or spread, it usually does not do that.  It usually stays local, close to where it originates.  People with basal cell near the ears, eyes and nose need to be watched very closely.  Those with it on the arms or legs still need to be treated, but local growth has less of a chance to attack vital areas.  Basal cell cancer is on the rise in this country and it's another reason why it's important to get regular skin checks.  It can't stress it enough.  You need to follow-up with your physician and do what you can to get all of that proper treatment.

For more information, please go to