Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Study of Exercise and Extending Life

When it comes to exercise, any form of exercise is good for you, and according to a report from the National Institute on Aging, any kind of exercise will help extend your life. The officials at the Institute are not just relying on common sense, they’re basing their views on a study, a six year study of 302 people between 70 and 82. What they did was measure energy expenditure in a unique way. When people exercise, they produce carbon dioxide which can be excreted in the urine. In the study, the researchers had volunteers drink water containing two harmless isotopes, oxygen 18 and hydrogen 2. Oxygen 18 is eliminated from the body in water while hydrogen 2 is eliminated not only in water, but also in carbon dioxide. This is how they were able to measure carbon dioxide. After six years of research, they found death rates went down as daily energy expenditure went up.

For more information, please go to www.123MyMD.com.